Category: Spirituality & Yoga

Nepal Earthquake

Nepal Earthquake

Mount Everest – A mountaineers dream destination Nepal – the moment we hear the word, we are reminded of Mount Everest.One of my collegue was in Nepal when the earthquake happened.He had just come...

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If only I can see God – Face to Face

If only I can see God – Face to Face

A beautiful morning sun rising from East, when God decided to paint on the canvass of the sky with amazing colours Once, a colleague of mine told me “If I only could see God with my...

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Drunken Monkey – A satire on the Mind

Drunken Monkey – A satire on the Mind

Monkeys of Vrindavan  Here is a nice verse that caught my attention this week – “MarkaTasya suraapaanaM madhye vrushchika damshanam tanmadhye bhUta sanchaaro yadvaa tadvaa bhaviShyati” “A monkey is fickle by nature. Then, he...

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Prayers of Gajendra – The King of Elephants

Prayers of Gajendra – The King of Elephants

While I was reading this book ” May Be Tomorrow”, I was reminded of the pastime of Gajendra from the 8th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatham. Gajendra is a powerful king of elephants who one...

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The three Modes of Material Nature

The three Modes of Material Nature

  The 14th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita contains a detailed description of three modes of material nature, how a spirit soul is influenced by these modes, what are the symptoms of these modes, how...

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Gauranga – The Golden Avatara

Gauranga – The Golden Avatara

Navadvip – A drawing of nine Islands Today is the appearance day of Lord Krishna Chaitanya, also called as Gauranga the one whose complexion is that of golden colour. When you look up on...

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Jagannatha Ratha Yatra at St Kilda Festival

Jagannatha Ratha Yatra at St Kilda Festival

Beaconsfield Parade,St Kilda This year, the Ratha Yatra of Lord Jagannath was celebrated on February 8th. The procession was organised as a part of  the St Kilda Festival, which is one of the biggest free Music festivals...

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Banyan tree – A Symbol of Immortality

Banyan tree – A Symbol of Immortality

Banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) is a huge,Magnificent, mystical, tranquil, amazing tree found in India and parts of asia. I remember as a child, I used to climb this tree at the      Banyan Tree with...

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Makara Sankranti

Makara Sankranti

Makara Sankranti marks the day when sun appears to enter the zodiac of Makara (Capricorn). Traditionally, the day coincides with the northward movement of sun having reached its southern most point, the phenomenon known...

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