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Few words about this blog, UrbanYogi. What I tried and continue to do in this blog is to write about my personal experiences in life, taking the foundations from the Eastern Philosophy. Sometimes, I quote from the Sacred books, like Bhagavad Gita, Puranas like Srimad Bhagavatham, Mahabharata, Ramayan etc and, also include my point of view about the Subject. I love to call myself, a simple and down to earth person who like to live life in less complicated way. I noticed that when it comes to matters of Spirituality, sometimes people tend to make them more complicated than they are and secondly, at times they are complicated simply because, we never paid attention to them and anything new looks complicated. And, people tend to put off saying that, ” Spirituality is interesting, something that I would like to pursue after my retirement”. Sadly, this is the biggest delusion people have. Why? Because, the fact of the matter is that we don’t know one is going to live for. And, even if one manages to retire with his financial planning sorted out, Home Loan paid off, Super, retirement funds / money waiting to be spent, one will never turn towards spirituality because, it is logical (the mind says to oneself), after all the hard work in life, one deserves a good treat like going on a Cruise, world tour and what not. There is no end to the list of things body wants to do and the senses waiting for the sense objects. Basically, your body and mind are done deal. Its very hard to change the old habits, style of living and the thought of Spirituality looks something that is far fetched. So, one should start early. The earlier, the better and then Spirituality is not a overnight thing but a life long exciting journey and a career.
There is an interesting verse from the famous Bhaja Govindam written by Sri Shankaracharya, an early 8th century Indian philosopher and theologian.
pare brahmani koapi na saktah
Childhood is lost in play. Youth is lost by attachment to woman. Old age passes away by thinking over many past things (chinta especially means, worries like, Health, Old Age, Future etc). Alas! Hardly is there anyone who yearns to be lost in Parabrahman.(Para Brahman is the “Highest Brahman” that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualizations).
A bit about myself. I work in the IT profession, living in Melbourne for more than a decade. I am a simple, straight forward, easy going person. Like to make a lot of friends and interested in Yoga and spirituality ever since childhood. I come from South India. My hobbies include Yoga, Meditation, and reading books, listening to Music and travelling. Apart from these, I also used to be vivid Bird Watcher, Nature lover and worked for social causes. Currently, I am just a busy Dad trying to manage my work and life with two energetic kids and a wife.