The three Modes of Material Nature


The 14th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita contains a detailed description of three modes of material nature, how a spirit soul is influenced by these modes, what are the symptoms of these modes, how they influence us and finally, how to get freedom from these modes by practice of Bhakti or devotional service. Thus, the three modes Goodness, passion and ignorance can be compared to three primary colours Red, Yellow and blue. By combining these three colours, an artist can create thousands of combinations. Similarly, by the combination of these three modes 8, 40,000 species of life forms are created.
Bhagavad Gita 14.18:
urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha
madhye tisthanti rajasah
adho gacchanti tamasha
Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds. (Translation by Srila Prabhupad)
In this verse, Lord Krishna is explaining the future destination of a Soul based on the type of material mode a living being is situated. One in the mode of goodness will progress to the higher regions and higher birth like that of a demigod or a place in heaven etc. The one who is in the mode of passion will stay in the earthy region and the one in the mode of ignorance will gradually go downward into the lower regions of the hellish world.
The three modes of material nature are like chains, which bind the conditioned soul to the material world. Thus, we can compare the Mode of Goodness to Chain made of gold, passion to a silver chain and ignorance to that of an iron chain. Unless one transcends these three modes of material nature, a Soul will not become free and get himself away from this cycle of repeated birth and death. Thus, even though the mode of goodness is conducive to , as explained in this verse – going upwards or for a higher form of life, unless one practices devotional service and elevates himself to the mode of Suddha Satva; Pure Goodness, there is danger of one falling down from the higher level to the lower level. It was also explained by Lord Krishna that these three material modes of nature of always competing within an individual to gain supremacy. Thus, a person for some time can be in the mode of goodness and immediately get into the mode of passion or ignorance. Thus, a person in the mode of goodness gets up in the morning, worship demigods in the house, on way to work may make a donation for Save the Children org, in the office become passionate and start arguing with colleagues, in the mode of ignorance come back home tired, consume alcohol and fall into deep sleep completely oblivious to the world.
This brings us down to the point of different factors that affect how a soul is influenced by the three modes of material nature, which are listed below
1.Agama – which Sastras we hear. Hearing is the powerful tool that can influence our nature. The sound makes up our thoughts and our thoughts make up, what we are. There are shastras written for people in the mode of goodness, passion and ignorance. Thus, hearing the right Shastra like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatham will purify our consciousness and help one to get into the mode of goodness and ultimately in to pure goodness.
2. Apah – The water we drink and the types of food we eat. Lord Krishna explains that there are foods in the mode of goodness which are fatty, juice and food in the mode of passion which are Spicy, hot and foods in the mode of ignorance which foul smell, putrid etc. Similarly, what we drink – pure water is better than a soft drink or a Beer. That’s why it was advised by Krishna to offer the food stuff which is in the mode of goodness and eat the remnants or the prasadam by which one will not incur any sin.
3. Praja – Our association. Association is infectious. It is rightly said – a man is known by the company he keeps. People resort to substance abuse or become alcoholic only because of bad association. So we need to be extremely careful while choosing our companions. We should seek company of those whose life is an emblem of purity and virtue. Such noble souls can easily transform our lives.
A south Indian poet called Yogi Vemana explains the value of right association Telugu is as below,
Veru purugu ceri vrukshambu ceracunu
cida purugu ceri cettu ceracu
kutsitundu ceri gunavantu ceracura
visvadabhirama vinura Vema !
Translation: – A root-worm infects the roots and destroys the entire tree. Termite infects and destroys the whole tree. Similarly a vile one spoils a virtuous person. Good company and association with wise people are essential for one to remain virtuous and to do good.
4. Desa – where we live. Place where one lives influences the person and for a particular mode to gain supremacy over others. For example, if a person lives in a city in a high rise apartment and thought the day he see only a concrete jungle, he naturally becomes passionate and workaholic always running to work, earn money etc.
5. Kala – the time of the day. It is said that Brahma Muhurtha or the time – 2 hrs before sunrise is excellent and conducive for meditation on the Lord and similarly the day time is for passion and night for ignorance.
6. Karma – Our activities, which means our daily routine of how we get up, what kind of work we do and how we earn our livelihood.
7. Janma – Our conditioning from birth which includes the environment we grew up, the way we are brought up in a family and the way we are taught to respond to situations.
8. Dhyana – Our thoughts. There is a saying in Vedas, which says “Yad Bhavam, Tad Bhavati” – You are what you think or your thoughts make up what kind of a person you are.
9. Mantras – what we chant. There are a number of Mantras some of which are used to worship demigods for some temporary benefits like Saraswati for studies, Ganesh for removal of obstacles etc. There are also mantra to worship the Supreme Lord Krishna and other purusha avatars like Narasimha, Rama etc. Each mantra is different and gives different results.
10. Samskaras – The varnasrama ceremonies we undergo which begin with impregnation and end with burial. For example, ceremonies like Garbhadhana samskara to beget a right child, determines what kind of Soul one attracts during the time of conception of child. These samskaras helps to purify the consciousness of a person which ultimately determines the results one receives.
So, two people are looking from a prison window and one is seeing the stars, sky and the moon, while the other person is watching all the filth, garbage and gutter down below. In life, we always hear people giving excuses, saying things like, I was not lucky, I did not get a chance or the time was not good but, what really makes the difference is ourselves. How we react to the different situations in life. That brings us to the point, why or how some people react differently. It’s because of the way we conduct our lives, put ourselves in the right direction and right mode.

The great philosopher Socrates at the age of 70 was sentenced to death and was asked to kill himself by drinking a cup of poison. In front of 500 spectators, when he drank the poison, his students asked him “Where shall we bury you?” His reply was, “firstly you have to find me to bury me”.
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