Gauranga – The Golden Avatara

Navadvip – A drawing of nine Islands

Today is the appearance day of Lord Krishna Chaitanya, also called as Gauranga the one whose complexion is that of golden colour. When you look up on the net, you get interesting and different descriptions about Lord Chaitanya. He is described as the greatest saint of 16th century in west Bengal, appeared in a place called Navadvip (Nine Islands).Some describe him as a great social reformer who fought against the Muslim rulers for freedom of practicing the Hindu religion. Some other name him as a pioneer of the Sankirtana movement – the congregational chanting and dancing of gods names. Some others describe him as the person who displayed the highest sentiments, ecstatic symptoms of love for Lord Krishna.
River Ganges, Just after the Sunset
However, one needs to go further we realise that Lord Chaitanya is none other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who took the form of a devotee to distribute the holy name and love of God more freely. Thus, Lord Chaitanya is the combined form of Lord Krishna and his dear most devotee Srimati Radharani. Not only, a number of Vedic scripture confirm this point, including the vedas and Srimad Bhagavatham, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Chaitanya Bhagavatha, Chaitanya  Mangala.
The incarnation of Lord Chaitanya is also called, Chana avatar or the hidden incarnation because, the Lord never allowed anyone to call him as god and would close his ears as soon as someone, calls him so.The reason for this is clearly explained in Chaitanya Charitamrita by Krishnadas Kaviraj gosvami, that this incarnation of Lord is to show and teach common people how to be a devotee of the Supreme Lord.
Lord Chaitanya introduced and  popularised the 16 syllable Mantra , “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna  Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare “, which is a mantra that can be chanted by anyone irrespective of caste, creed, sex or age and also, any time, place and circumstances.
I am posting some of the photographs from my last trip to Mayapur, two years ago.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at Simantadvipa.

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