Nepal Earthquake

Mount Everest – A mountaineers dream destination
Nepal – the moment we hear the word, we are reminded of Mount Everest.One of my collegue was in Nepal when the earthquake happened.He had just come from Nepal and he looked shocked and broken.A sad and devastating disaster for Nepal.It is very sad to imagine the situation of all the people affected by the calamity.Few years, ago I met a friend who told me that he built the house by himself i, e Project managed the whole building by engaging tradesman and he told me. I have built my house on a solid foundation, strong walls that can withstand something like, 120KMPH winds and so on.He looked satisfied and confident of his safety.But, really when we see or hear news like these, our strength and prowess is so minute compared to the force of mother nature.I felt sorry and was looking foraway to help people of Nepal and came across this article by Food for life – ISKCON.
I was moved to see the extent of damage and destruction caused by the catastrophe and an amazing thing I noticed was the happiness in the faces of people lined up for food (prasadam).I immediately donated some money.
How and why this happened?.I am not sure, if we need to talk about this at this moment. The need of the hour is to help the ones affected by the disaster.
Anyway, I read few things like,  As per science, the plate movements are causing the earthquakes to happen. As per neo- scientific theory proposed by three scientists which was originally propounded  by Einstein is called – Pain Wave theory. According to which, if at one place animals are slaughtered on a mass scale, the energy created by the pain caused to the animals go into the ground causing the earth to shake.And, recently there was a mass slaughtering and sacrifices of animals in Nepal as a part of a 260 year old custom and tradition and supposedly about 350,000 plus animals are killed. 
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