Category: Short Stories

Supreme God – The Perfect Creator

Supreme God – The Perfect Creator

This is a small instructional and Moral story typed verbatim by my son Gopal, from one of his story books.I told him to do so, just to keep him busy and not disturb me...

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Sovereign Hill Lookout Photos and a Short Story

Sovereign Hill Lookout Photos and a Short Story

Sovereign Hill is one of the most famous gold yielding mining of 1850s.Situated in the City of Ballarat and on Mount Pleasant, today it is a historic and cultural place.You step into Sovereign Hill...

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Three questions – A short story by Leo Tolstoy

Three questions – A short story by Leo Tolstoy

Here is an age old wonderful story. Bit, of a long one but, worth reading. It once occurred to a certain king, that if he always knew the right time to begin everything; if...

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Servant of the Servant

Servant of the Servant

This is a story I heard involving Alexander the great. While, the authenticity of the story cannot be verified, what is more important is the meaning and take home message from this story. Once,...

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This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Otaki River, New Zealand This is a famous adage that finds its place in many religions of the world like, Hebrew, Arabic, Christianity and Hinduism. Of course, pronounced differently, these four words have a...

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Have faith in God’s Plan

Have faith in God’s Plan

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6.Verse 30. This is one of my favorite verses from Bhagavad Gita and the story below is one that I received from my well wisher. The story is so nice that, I immediately wanted...

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Allow the Sunlight to enter Your Room

Allow the Sunlight to enter Your Room

Somewhere on Great Ocean Road -Photo by VinodT Here is another instructive story by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. A boy from a wealthy family was spoilt through over -indulgence. His parents used to fulfil...

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