The Spot Building,Sunny Days,Sweet Drinks & Sense Control

Its a beautiful, Sunny day and went out for a walk in the campus during lunch time. Took some snaps of the Spot Building.Then and one of my Colleague bumped into me and took my photo with the back drop of the Spot Building.As you can see, it is still quite windy which is typical of the weather this time of the year in Melbourne.The ‘Spot Building’ is the 12 story Business and Economics building and is among the first ‘Australian Excellence’ 5 Star Green Star Education buildings in Australia. 

Wait, can you see the “STOP” sign in the photo.This is just to give you a heads-up on consuming your favorite Sweet / Cool drinks this coming sunny days.Please, find below some Quick Facts about Sweet Drinks.Drink Wisely! Assess Your Drinking Habits. 

  • Sweet drinks are those with high levels of sugar. They include soft drinks,flavoured mineral water, cordials, most sports drinks, fruit juice drinks,flavored milks and 100% fruit juice 
  •  A 375 ml can of soft drink contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar.And, of course who takes only a can of drink.? I think, the minimum is a 600ml pack, which is roughly 17 teaspoons of sugar. 
  •  Sweet drinks can cause tooth decay and dental caries. 
  • Sweet drinks can cause dehydration. 
  • Sweet drinks can replace nutritious foods. 
  • Sweet drinks are expensive. Instead of buying a can a day for a year you could fly to Movieworld in Queensland, buy an ipod, a bike, roller blades or skateboard, see 3 movies, go to the aquarium and visit the zoo. What would you do with $760? 
  • Sweet drinks are one of the biggest risk factors for children becoming above a healthy weight 
  • 100% fruit juice has vitamins and minerals but also has high sugar content from the natural fruit sugars.These cause the same types of problems as other sweet drinks. It is better to eat fruit rather than drink it as fills you up and includes the goodness of fiber. Best is to drink plenty of water and eat real fruits.(Source and for further info @

Excerpts from the Lecture Transcripts of Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupad
” The most important and uncontrollable sense is the tongue. If one can control the tongue, then there is every possibility of controlling the other senses. The function of the tongue is to taste and to vibrate. Therefore, by systematic regulation, the tongue should always be engaged in tasting the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Kṛṣna and chanting Hare Krsna.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Here is the secret of yoga system. Yoga indriya-samyama. The real purpose of yoga is to control the senses. Our material activities means to engage the sense in some particular objective or enjoyment. That is our material engagement. And yoga system means that you have to control the senses and detach the senses from material enjoyment, or material pleasure and pains, and divert it, focusing towards seeing the Supersoul Visnu within your soul (self?). That is the real purpose of yoga. Yoga does not mean… Of course, in the beginning there are different rules and regulations, sitting posture, just to bring the mind under control. But they are not end themselves. The end is to stop the material 
engagement and begin spiritual engagement. So here it is explained. Go on reading.”
Bhagavad-gītā 2.62-72 Los Angeles, December 19, 1968
(Complied this article on Friday last week, which was nice and sunny and did not get time to post the article.Now in Melbourne, it is cold,cloudy and rainy.That’s OK.I am sure we will get our share of sunny days.)

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