Last week, I visited the local Kmart store and saw this display of Astrology books at the counter. Interestingly, the books are almost sold out.It was not even December and people already curious to know, what 2017 has in store for them.This is the most common and general tendency of the people, to know what is in store.Especially, people like to hear the good news like extra income, Holiday, New job or Promotion or Love.I guess, its a kind of solace for people having some tough time, by reading their Horoscope predictions, they try to find the happy times or spots, that in turn help them some strength or hope to carry on with their life.Yes, we all look at Astrology.Some books like,one from Linda Goodman etc.So, the Horoscopes begin from a life time, a year, month, week or even day wise.
By the way, that reminds me of an real story I heard from one of my friend. Long time ago, he was in a bit of crisis with his life, career etc. So, he turned towards some so called famous astrologer on the web.This astrologer had a personal website, a convincing Video talk of his super natural talents like his sense of intuition etc and then his promise that, I will give you a reading and if you follow my guidance, you will be a extra ordinary person, money, love, success,job, happiness etc.So, my friend ordered the so called reading.He was provided a logon access to the members only privileged area of the website, where he was allowed to download some general books on Astrology, Numerology etc.Then, there was a section called your report. When he clicked on it, a message would be displayed that Mr X is working on your report and will make it available within 48 hrs or something like that. OK, he waited 48 hrs and finally, got the most precious, much awaited report of his future and some recommendations by thus so called astrologer.My friend then started reading and read couple of few pages in the beginning, in the middle and few in the end. And, to his amazement, noticed that the readings for the days a really generic and randomly repeated at different days of the reports.Finally, he figured out that there are about 25 to 30 different reading,which are randomly repeated for 365 days of the report.And,mean while of course he got a followup email from Mr. X, with an earnest request or advise.He says, Dear so and so, if you follow my instructions, you will notice that the world started reciprocating you with unlimited opportunities. Now, the problem is that you need further guidance on how to respond to those situations, for which I am always available (with fees Of course).Not only that, he got another email with his team members or affiliates who are experts in their Professions like, Tarot Card reading, Crystal, Psychic etc. Now, all this was too much and also, the problem he had actually got resolved before, he even had got hold of this astrology report and on top of it, all this was a bit too much for him. My friend sent a strong email back asking him to be unsubscribed. Needless to say, once bitten, twice shy – my friend never tried any more of the prediction stuff on the internet.And, after that he continued to live happily ever after…
So, there are few learning’s from this experience.Firstly,don’t get cheated. There are many cheaters looking for the gullible ones.There are just too many out there, who simply have a software program that does all the calculations and reports automatically. Even, if they are knowledgeable and know what they are doing, for the amount of money you are paying, they cannot afford to spend day, working on your case.It is only a hook or bait to trap you and drag you into their grip.
The Future |
Some where on the net, I even read the confessions of a retired Tarot Card reader. She was honest and explaining, why she quit this profession. Initially, she was a college student looking for part time work and was offered as chat consultant to the Tarot card reading. She does not even had a deck of Tarot cards. Someone from other end would ask a question and she would again, pick up a random card from the soft ware and would say, whatever that came up on the card.And, people would go away after spending the time and money ( charged in the increments of minutes). But, finally, she came across this guy who was desperately in love with a girl and he would come for a chat everyday and ask tips about his love life and the girl he was after. Everyday, she would tell him some nonsense but, realised that he was getting no where and situation bit, sensitive and emotional. Finally, she lost her cool and told him that, look if you really want someone to love you, the Cards wont help you. You have to act, please her etc. The person was not happy and get her negative rating etc. And, since she could not cheat people any more, she simply gave up the job.
Secondly, believe in God.Rather than wasting your time and putting faith in people who claim to be astrologers, Put more faith in the words and guidance of God and automatically, you will be taken to the right place at the right time and right experiences. This life is meant for us to learn lessons and reform ourselves.
Actually,Astrology is a science and comes from the vedas which are said to be composed by the God himself but, in Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says, ‘Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah’..I am the complier of the vedas and by all the vedas, I am to be known.
“sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto
mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca
vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham
I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas am I to be known; indeed I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas (BG15.15)”.
Well,this is my opinion anyway. I personally had this experience that so many bad things are forecasted like a accident, loss of money, reputation but when you put your faith in God and carry on – these things will never take place or even if they happen, you will come out unscathed. As elsewhere in Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna affirms – “Yogakshemam vahamyaham – I preserve what you have and carry on what you lack or, I take responsibility of your welfare”.
My idea of writing this article is not to criticize,downplay the authenticity of Astrology. My aim is to caution the readers about the unscrupulous people trying to take undue advantage of the innocent people.Same way, people some times believe that just because, something is written in their star signs for the yearly predictions etc. they expect the Havens to open up or showers of Gold from the sky.One can use astrology to make important decisions in life, provided you have found a genuine, knowledgeable person well versed in this science.I personally believe in Astrology but, don’t put faith in it.
Good luck with everything.