How to influence the subconscious minds of others

Real Human Life 

This was the title of the email that I recently in my Inbox.Now a days, there is so much Hype and advertisements about controlling your mind and others mind using XYZ Nueroscience techniques, Hypnosis and so on.This made me wonder,Controlling one’s mind is OK but why do you want to control others minds?. Isn’t it demoniac.? You want to control other because of some evil, sinister agenda, to manipulate them for your benefit.Worst of all, apparently these techniques are now being employed by so many people that we come across in our day to day life like a Car sales man, Realestate agent, Marketing people and so on.It seems that initially these people employ somthing called a mirroring by which they build a rapport with you and then get harmless sounding suggestions or words that sublty affect your subconscious mind. And, for that, they mostly rely on youe eye movement.By the way you look, they can interprest weather you use your right or left brain and so on.This is akin to the Black Magic or Charms practiced by people in the olden times in India (and other countries as well I believe). 

Furthermore the email says the below,
“Have you ever wanted to influence the subconscious minds of others using XYZ
How Conversational Hypnosis Gives YOU the Power To Tap Into the Subconscious Minds of Others: Including common myths about it and how to use it most effectively.
How to Subconsciously Influence Everyone You Meet: In everyday situations, without their awareness, no matter what your relationship.
How to Use the Language of the Subconscious Mind: You’ll learn how to hypnotize people in normal conversations.
How to Use Embedded Commands that Work: Turn each sentence into a hypnotic command with subliminal messages.
How to Tell Hypnotic Stories: That distract the conscious mind and fully engage the subconscious mind.
How to THINK Hypnotically: So you’ll be automatically speaking in hypnotic patterns, without any effort at all.
How to Gain Unconscious Hypnotic Rapport: People will instantly like you and be attracted to you, WANTING to do what you ask.
BONUS: How to Use Conversational Hypnosis in Sales: Your prospects will practically be eating out of your hand”.
So this is the current state of affairs. The moment we step out of our house or even sitting at our Home someone may come door knocking – trying to brainwash, get us to do something we actually never wanted to do.Of course, this has always been the agenda of all those companies selling products and services through various channels of communication like TV, Radio, Paper Ads like -Earn thousands of dollars through internet and websites etc. but, now it seems to be getting more closer. I don’t know if these things work or not and I am not interested to try either because, I don’t want to influence the sub.. of other.I feel this is illegal and somehow needs to be curbed and let us make a start or a beginning from our side.

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita talks elobaratly about the need and necessity of controlling one’s mind, how you can control your mind,what happens – when ones mind comes under control.For someone, whose mind is under control, he becomes the greatest friend who can guide in the right desires,right direction in life and right deeds.For someone whose mind is not controlled, it is the greatest of the enemie and causes havoc in ones life, takes one into dangerous situations and causing greatest distress.How to control your mind is right practice of Yoga, through knowledge and developing a sense of detachment and a sense of making right distinction – like all that glitters is not Gold.Once Mind is made stronger and purified by practice of Yoga, no one can control your mind consciously or subconsciously.Ofcourse the easist way to strengthen you Mind is through Bhakti Yoga, practicing (Hare Krishna) Mantra meditation, which can be practiced by anyone in any condition of life. 
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