Parachuting and Types of Learners
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Parachuting with a Coach |
What is the use of holding leaves when your hands are already burnt. This is an old telugu saying which means, some of the mistakes we commit in life are irrevocable or can’t be turned around and you have to live with them. For example, someone decided to jump off the plane, I mean Parachuting. So it’s a thrill that some people want to experience it. So there are steps and training provided so make sure that the parachute opens in time and one lands safely. Here, one makes a choice to jump and expects all these things to happen as per normal and have exciting time. So one makes a conscious choice to jump, jumps off and follows the steps for safe landing. Very rarely, the parachute doesn’t open and people had injuries, died etc.. very rarely. Anyway, once you jump and you are in the air being pulled by the earth’s gravitational force, you have to do what you need to do.You can’t say that, look all this looks risky, I am not going ahead with this and want to go back to the plane. Sorry, it’s too late. So in life also, we get these things and that’s how we all learn our lessons in different ways.Srila Prabhupad gave this classification of people based on their learning.Got this from Wiki “Despite the perception of danger, fatalities are rare. About 21 skydivers are confirmed killed each year in the US, roughly one death for every 150,000 jumps (about 0.0007%).In the US and in most of the western world skydivers are required to carry two parachutes. The reserve parachute must be periodically inspected and re-packed…”
Reminds me of a joke from a movie I saw long time ago. A comedians car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and that guy asks for a lift.When, the protagonist of the movie stops to give him lift. This guy locks his car, takes the Wires off from the Battery, puts a padlock to the bonnet, goes back again, opens the Bonnet and smashes the engine with a huge stone and then sits in the car.The Hero asks him, what is that you are carrying ? He says, its an umbrella.Then, what about the one in the Bag. He replies it’s a raincoat, incase I loose the umbrella.Well, a bit extreme comedy.
It is said that there are four types of people,
1. The First Class one – is the one who hears from others like someone elder to him, from the Saintly persons, Holy scriptures and learns and understands what is right or wrong.
2. Second Class – is the one who doesn’t learn by just hearing but, they like to see others and then follow.
3. The third Class one – is someone who doesn’t understand by hearing or seeing but, wants to personally experience and then learns his lessons.
4. The Fourth Class – Of Course are the ones who does not learn either by hearing, seeing or even by personal experience.
I know, it hard and not practical to be always the 1st Class but, let’s at least try for the 2nd or 3rd class or a mixture of all and hopefully never the 4th Class.
The photo you see is that of one of my good friend who did this parachuting few years ago.I asked him, if he would do it again.He said never because, though it wonderful and adventurous is, there is an element of risk which is not really required. I thought, I agreed with him. In Bhagavatam, it is said that this human form of life, body is very precious and special because, although it is temporary, with this body one can enquire about the Atma Tattva, the nature of Soul, God, Absolute Truth etc. It’s good to have some fun and adventure but, not worth taking unnecessary risks – is what I think also. More ever it is said in Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatam that our thoughts, desires and actions decides or creates, the body we are going to get in our next life. So if someone is addicted to flying in the air etc. next life they may get the body of a bird. King Bharata was contemplating on his pet deer and he had to take on the body of a deer in his next life.