Cricket – India loses in Semi Finals match against Australia

Cricket – India loses in Semi Finals match against Australia. To the dismay of so many cricket fans, Cricket lovers, while the people who support Indian team are lamenting, the ones who support Australia are jubilant and happy. That’s why, this world is called a world of duality, and also it’s interesting and irony to note that what happiness is for someone may be a distress for others. For example, a smoker might be enjoying his smoke and the Cigarette but, the non-smoker is irritated and furious. While someone listening to that blasting music through his headphones is enjoying the music, the person sitting beside him is disturbed and so on.
My opinion is that, no win is permanent and whoever wins the Cup this time, there is no guarantee that it will be theirs for ever. So, enjoy the game but, don’t lose your mind and heart on it. Take it easy and be happy.
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