St kilda Pier and Breakwater

St Kilda Pavilion Kiosk
This one is quite close to my house but I have never been there. It is still a good 2K walk along the beach, before I reached the historic St Kilda Pavilion Kiosk. I was surprised by the fact that, this place is the home for the small Penguins that we usually see at Phillip Island. I did not stay long enough (they come after sunset) but, I decided to visit again some other time. Then, there are number of private boats stationed and you can walk on the docks for free between 9AM-5PM and after that it’s closed for public access.

Private Boats at the St Kilda Pier

St Kilda Beach
I was told that up to 100 Penguins made this place their home. I have also noticed number of people Cycling, Kiteboarding and rollerblading. There are couple of places where the Kiteboarding lessons are given and I guess, this is an exciting sport. On the whole, it’s a nice place to walk around, chill out and spend your time relaxing and the best part is that, all so close to the Melbourne city.
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