This year, the Kartik Masa or Damodar month had begun from 8th Oct to 7th Nov 2014.Please read the glories of this month and take time to offer lamp to Lord Damodhar who allowed himself to be bound with ropes to his belly by mother Yashoda.It was an interesting pastime that when Mother Yashoda tried to bind Lord Krishna with a rope to a grinding mortar. What made mother Yashoda so angry? Well, it’s due to a small prank of our mischievous little Krishna. Actually, it was not much. He simply, broke few pots of butter that was kept hanging on the rafters in mud pots. He distributed the butter the butter to few of his friends and a couple of monkeys.
When Mother came back to see
Krishna, the scene was a complete mess. There is butter and broken pieces of mud pot lying everywhere. This made mother Yashoda not only angry but little bit concerned about the conduct of Krishna. It is OK today because it’s her home, but what if he does this to someone else.? She decided to punish Krishna and took a stick and started following the tracks – the little footprints draped in butter made by Krishna. Finally, when she saw where he is, Krishna saw her and started running away in fear of his mother. Acharyas describe this pastime as amazing, because one who is a Supreme God and who maintains the whole world is afraid of his mother and the stick in her hand. How is this possible? This is a contradiction? Yes, Supreme Lord is full of contradictions. Lord is Achintya – inconceivable. Once, some devotees asked Srila Prabhupad “Prabhupad, Is it possible for Supreme Lord to create a Huge mountain that even he cannot lift it.?” And, Prabhupad answered saying “Yes, everything is possible for God. He can create a huge mountain that he cannot lift and then he lifts it”. The same point is confirmed by Srila Bakthi Vinod Thakur in his Amnaya Sutra book- Sutra 6 “Because he has inconceivable potencies, it is proper that he has these mutually contradictory natures”. The same pastime is sung in Damodarastakam “Upon seeing His mother’s whipping stick, He cried and rubbed His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His eyes were fearful and His breathing quick, and as Mother Yasoda bound His belly with ropes, He shivered in fright and His pearl necklace shook. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, I offer my humble obeisances.” Seeing his mother becoming tired, Lord Krishna took pity on her and allowed himself to be caught by Mother Yashoda.She threw the stick in her hand and took a rope to tie Krishna to a grinding mortar so that he doesn’t run away and do no more mischief. The rope fell short by two fingers. And, she called the ladies of neighbourhood to bring more rope. Each time, the rope was falling short by two fingers for tying the knot. Finally, seeing that his mother is getting tired, Lord Krishna allowed himself to be bound by the rope and with the love of his mother. Ofcourse, this did not stop our little Krishna from further adventure.He went to the back of the house dragging the stone mortar with him, went between two huge tamala trees and with pull, brought down the huge trees.
Acharyas, explain the significance of two fingers that, one finger denotes the endeavour of the devotee and the other finger denotes the mercy of the lord. Both of these are essential for one’s success in devotional life.
The Padma Purana describes the month of Kartik as Krishna’s favourite month. Devotional activities performed during this holy month are rewarded with greater spiritual results than usual so devotees often take vows to increase their spiritual practices or to simplify their material needs for the entire month. It is a way that they can remember Krishna more and increase their service to Him.
Glories of offering a lamp in Kartika:-
In the skanda Purana, Lord Brahma and Sage Narada, converse that “the month of Kartika is very dear to Lord Krsna”.
When one offers a lamp during the month of Kartika, his sins of many thousands and millions of births perish in half an eye blink.
· Even if there is no mantras, no pious deeds, and no purity, everything becomes perfect when a person offers a lamp during the month of Kartika.
· A person who during the month of Kartika offers a lamp to Lord Keshava has already performed all yajnas (sacrifice for the pleasure of the Lord) and bathing in al the holy rivers.
· The ancestors say “when someone in our family pleases Lord Keshava by offering Him a lamp during the month of Kartika, then by the mercy of the Lord who holds the Sudarshan- Chakra in His hand, we will all attain liberation.
· To one who either at home or in a temple offers a lamp during the month of Kartika, Lord Vasudeva gives a great result.
· A person who offer a lamp to Lord Krishna during the month of Damodara (Kartika) becomes very glorious and fortune.
· No sins exist anywhere in the three worlds that will not be purified by offering a lamp to Lord Keshava during Kartika.
· A person who offers a lamp to Lord Damodara during Kartika attains the eternal spiritual world where there is no suffering.
All glories to the Lordship Sri Sri Radha Damodarji!
All glories to Karthik Masa!